Seveso High-Threshold Site Fire on 20/11/21 in Saône et Loire: Heavy material damage.

3000 m2 and several trucks destroyed.

Video Report of the Firefighters of Saône-et-Loire During the Fire on November 20, 2021

The fire broke out around 10AM on Saturday, November 20, 2021, at a transporter and logistician's site and was controlled around 2PM.

The Worst Was Avoided During the November 20, 2021, Fire at the SEVESO Site

Although the site is classified as SEVESO High Threshold, the building that caught fire did not store dangerous materials. Only the courier part actually caught fire.

Thanks to the quick intervention of the first responders and the exercises carried out regularly, the fire was contained outside the storage areas for materials classified under the concerned ICPE categories, as well as the offices.

While the damage remains considerable, there were no toxic pollutions. The prefecture specifies: "The initial atmospheric air analyses do not show any risk to public health and the environment. The firefighting water retained in the retention basins will also be subject to further analyses"



fire risk danger

Fire seveso risk danger

fire firefighters sdis risk management

Regulations Concerning Flammable Liquids: Category 1510 for Installations Classified for Environmental Protection (ICPE)

From 500 tons of flammable liquids, storage sites are classified under category 1510.

The Lubrizol fire has led to changes in ICPE regulations, with implementation dates set for January 2022, 2023, and 2026.


CHAVANON Conseil, Your ICPE Partner

To respond to regulatory changes and their impact on your sites and organizations, we can support you: contact us.


Source: Firefighters of Saône-et-Loire, The Journal of Saône and Loire, France3

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